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10th Leipzig Semantic Web Day
Knowledge Graphs for Organizational Data SpacesSince 2009, the Leipzig Semantic Web Day (LSWT) is an opportunity for scientists, enterprises, and organisations to discuss topics in the field of Semantic Technology. These emphases are demonstrated in presentations by experts from industry and science. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact the organisation team.

Sitzungssaal09.00 - 09.15: Welcome
Dr. Natanael Arndt, Senior Linked Data Expert, eccenca GmbH09.15 - 09.45: Keynote - Knowledge representation as a building block for digital transformation at Siemens
Siemens AG
Sebastian Brandt is Senior Key Expert for knowledge-graphs and data management at Siemens Technology, the global research and development centre of Siemens. Apart from research, Sebastian is helping Siemens businesses get most out of their data across the entire product life-cycle. This involves the creation and maintenance of industrial knowledge-graphs and their deployment in real-world production scenarios.
Prior to Siemens, Sebastian has worked extensively on ontology-based knowledge representation systems for the life-sciences in the Bio-Health Informatics Group at the University of Manchester. His research on subsets of OWL with efficient inference problems has opened the door to the OWL-EL facet in the ontology standard OWL 2.
In all major areas of industry including, Production, Smart Infrastructures, Smart Grids, Healthcare and Energy, Siemens is driving digital transformation by utilizing data in innovative ways. In this setting, Knowledge graphs have become a powerful building block for heterogeneous data-landscapes with complex relations and a foundation for advanced analytics. My talk will relate how knowledge representation is making a difference for Siemens and which trends emerge looking into the future.
09.50 - 10.20: Sustainability and Analytics
Chair: Prof. Dr. Vera Meister, Technische Hochschule Brandenburg, Technische Hochschule Brandenburg-
„Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting“
– Julia Gastinger, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
„FAIR Digital Objects in NFDI4DataScience and Beyond“
– Dr. Sonja Schimmler, Weizenbaum Institute, Fraunhofer FOKUS, TU Berlin; Dr. Adamantios Koumpis, RWTH Aachen, University of Cologne
10.20 - 10.45: Minutes by Future Knowledge Experts (Students)
10.45 - 11.15: Coffee Break & Poster session
11.15 - 12.30: Data Aquisitition and Data Souvereinty
Chair: Dr. Michael Martin, Head of Competence Center, Institute for Applied Informatics-
„Towards Sovereignty in Digital Ecosystems with Solid“
– Matthias Kindermann, Business- & Technische Architektur, DATEV eG
„Building and exploring Knowledge Graphs with eccenca Corporate Memory“
– Dr. Natanael Arndt, Senior Linked Data Expert, eccenca GmbH
„ALKIS Datenbeschaffungs-API (ADA Projekt)“
– Roy Meissner, Institute for Applied Informatics
- „Linkmaster 3000“ – Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW, DBpedia Association, Institute for Applied Informatics
12.30 - 13.30: Lunch & Poster session
13.30 - 14.30: Collaboration and Ontologies
Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Riechert, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)-
„Collaborative and cross-stakeholder ontology engineering“
– Fawad Khan, Scientific Programmer, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
„Why we need Archivo“
– Denis Streitmatter, AKSW, DBpedia Association, Institute for Applied Informatics
„Die Semantik der Künstlichen Intelligenz - Die künstliche Intelligenz der Semantik“
– Klaus Däßler, Gesellschaft für Mathematische Intelligenz
„CI Pipeline for generating Linked Open Data ontology documentation“
– Lars-Peter Meyer, Institute for Applied Informatics; Kirill Bulert, Institute for Applied Informatics
14.30 - 14.45: Coffee Break & Poster session
14.45 - 16.00: Knowledge Graph Applications
Chair: Dr. Antonin Delpeuch, Institute for Applied Informatics-
„Empowering Product Discovery through Biodiversity“
– Edgard Marx, HTWK Leipzig/eccenca GmbH
„Pharma Semantic Search: Connecting Regulatory Information to internal R&D data via a Knowledge Graph“
– Dr. Matthias Jurisch, Manager Information Management Unit, brox IT-Solutions GmbH
„The intersection between Materials Science Engineering and Semantic Web“
– Dr. André Valdestilhas, BAM
- „Mobility Index“ – Claus Stadler, Institute for Applied Informatics
16.00 - 16.30: eccenca Poster Winner Awards and Closing
Dr. Sebastian Tramp, CTO, eccenca GmbH16.30 - 17.30: ScaDs.AI Living Lab Tour
Demo session with posters and demonstrators @ ScaDS.AI Living Lab Topic: Life Science
18.00 - 20.00: eccenca Semantic Beergarden